
Weather: Underground/Overkill

Par Simone FehlingerAs part of the design research project New Weather TV, carried out within the Deep Design Lab, Cité du design Saint-Étienne, co-produced by the École urbaine de Lyon – études urbaines anthropocènes.

© Simone Fehlinger

As part of the design research project New Weather TV, carried out within the Deep Design Lab, Cité du design Saint-Étienne, co-produced by the École urbaine de Lyon – études urbaines anthropocènes.

Digital performance by Simone Fehlinger (Cité du design), Tiphaine Kazi-Tani (Esadse), Mathieu Heyraud (Le Magasin - Laboratoire de permanence chorégraphique) and Esadse student-researchers as part of the ELIA Biennial (Digital) Conference (17/11 - 20/11/2020).

The Deep Design Lab (Cité du design-ESADSE / Ecole urbaine de Lyon) explores the material practices and visual representations that condition the actual space of the Anthropocene. Tiphaine Kazi-Tani and Simone Fehlinger — teaming up with choreographer Mathieu Heyraud (Le Magasin - Laboratoire de permanence chorégraphique) and Esadse students-researchers — will renew their TEXT BATTLE experience. TEXT BATTLE is an ongoing experimentation on assembling narrative tools for design research. This session will explore videoconferencing as a contemporary space of performance and a metatool to deconstruct some mediatic productions, here the weather report. Recommended for students to join. There will be active participation possible already before the conference. 

From 10 to 13 November, students will be able to join an open channel of the TEXT BATTLE workshop to actively experience it.

This work was supported by a state funded « Investments for the Future » program operated by the French National Research Agency (reference ANR-17-CONV-0004).

Par Simone FehlingerAs part of the design research project New Weather TV, carried out within the Deep Design Lab, Cité du design Saint-Étienne, co-produced by the École urbaine de Lyon – études urbaines anthropocènes.

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