Événement | France Design Week | Exhibition

France Design Week 2023 

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes events / Projects by the Cite du design

© France Design Week

par Estelle Girardin

The Cité du design shares a mission with France Design Week : raising public awareness of design. In 2023, as every year, Cité du design coordinates the Festival's actions at regional level.  Find out more about these France Design Week events.

Histoires d'intérieurs

28/06/2023 - 07/01/2024
La platine, Cité du design

The Histoires d'intérieurs exhibition opens the doors of a pretty T4, highlighting a selection of nearly 120 timeless objects drawn from the design collection of the Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain de Saint-Etienne Métropole (MAMC+).  The scenography, designed by Muséotrope, follows the framework of a house, opening each room. It emphasizes the materiality of the objects and invites visitors to understand their technological evolution, imagine their uses and stimulate their inventiveness. Like a diorama, each space features furniture, equipment and accessories, both anonymous and signed, spanning a century of design history.

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Maison magique

Artistic Installation
Registration required - Cité du design

Echoing the Histoires d'intérieurs exhibition, the Cité du design is hosting an artistic installation by designer Adrien Rovero (co-produced by mille formes - City of Clermont-Ferrand and the Centre Pompidou) that invites 0-6 year-olds to discover the rooms and elements of the home in a new way. Playful and welcoming, Maison magique turns the usual use of objects and spaces on its head. It's a deeply moving experience, where the impossible becomes possible!

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Laureline Galliot, vrai ou FAUVE

Entrée libre -  La platine, Cité du design

As part of its mission to promote and support design, the Cité du design is launching a new format of monographic exhibitions dedicated to the young French and European design scene. To inaugurate this cycle entitled Présent >< Futur, the Cité du design invites Laureline Galliot. 
Her I-Pad is her palette. This designer-painter surveyed museums to experiment with the potential of this tool, transposing artists' gestures into a digital language. Later, at the Disney Research Lab, she got familiar with virtual reality software to give birth to new forms of pictoriality, culminating in 3D painting. Like the Fauvist painters, Laureline uses colors to distinguish each of her gestures, sculpting luminous matter on screen.The resulting designs are then printed on paper, fabric or 3D. In addition to her iconic pieces, which can be found in numerous museum collections, the exhibition reveals her modus operandi in the form of a research lab, as well as an original collaboration with Maison Benaud, a Lyon-based specialist in moirage.

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Free entrance - Cité du design 

How does one produce objects, while remaining aware of the designer's responsibility for the ecological, social, political and economic costs involved in production? Mathilde Garcia, a recent graduate of Esadse (Saint-Etienne Higher School of Art and Design), with a specialization in "Espaces" (Spaces), offers one-off and small series objects.
Because she believes that capitalism normalizes the low prices that result from pollution and new forms of slavery, she proposes a tool to assess the economic value of her objects.

This is determined by three criteria: Labor Force Value (VFT), Human Cost Value (VCH) and Material Value (VM). These criteria are used to calculate the Total Economic Value (VET) of each of these objects. "To control the economic value of the objects, and to ensure that they are not "appropriated " by the design market, I put them together in a catalog under the registered trademark verygooddesign®".
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Devine ce que je lis ?(Guess what I'm reading?)

Exhibition- Workshop
Free Entrance - Cabane du design

Sarah Hadjazi, a student at the Ecole supérieure d'art et design de Saint-Etienne, is interested in the readability of typography. Every day, we read and recognize letters of all kinds. But do we really read?  Can we read without seeing the letters? What does it mean to read?
An essential element of graphic design, typography is often overlooked by readers with dyslexic language disorders. Here, Sarah suggests having fun with typography, making it dance and twirl, playing with its shapes and curves. By mixing Times and Helvetica typefaces, she conjures up other letters, like an exquisite corpse.

This exploratory work leads Sarah Hadjazi to question the limit or distance to be maintained so that this reinvented typography remains readable for all.

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In an economically fragile world, how can we change practices and take action for the living?

Workshop - Conference1
Registration required - Auditorium École supérieure d'art et design

The interdependence between biodiversity and business activities is strong, as shown by the COP15 in December 2022. 
In this relationship, how can we harmonize design projects with the challenges of preserving the living world? Question interdependencies and re-question uses? Rethink economic models and create desirable futures?

During this day's workshops, come and question, understand, experiment and model, then take action and implement solutions that preserve biodiversity and man's place in this system.

List of the workshops: 
• Inspir’action / Pôle Éco-conception
• Fresque de l’éco-conception / Pôle Éco-conception
• Centré le design sur un écosystème / Nicolas Roesch Zoépolis / Designers+
• Éco-conception et vivant / Aude Casier Zoépolis / Designers+
• Design industriel et écoconception / Cité du design
• Office Français de la Biodiversité et CIRIDD

End the day with an inspiring talk by Maurice REBEIX

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The challenge of sustainable mobility in the Dorlay valley

Conference - Exhibition - Visit
16/09/2023 & 17/09/2023
Free- La Terrasse-sur-Dorlay

In the framework of the EU project SMOTIES that has Cite du design as Partner,participatory workshops were organized with elected representatives and residents of the Vallée du Dorlay to identify projects that could contribute to the development and attractiveness of the villages. 

This project is part of Saint-Étienne Métropole "design dans les communes" initiative. Since February 2023, a team of designers consisting of Costanza Matteucci and Monika Olszak have been working closely with local actors from Saint-Paul en Jarez, La Terrasse sur Dorlay and Doizieux, the Nouveaux Ateliers du Dorlay association, the Parc du Pilat and local residents, to help them define and experiment with one or more sustainable mobility routes in the Dorlay Valley.

The project revolves around the industrial heritage of the Dorlay Valley in textile and the route of the old Galoche railway line, opened in 1905. For over 30 years, this train linked Saint-Héand to Pélussin, then Maclas, via Saint-Étienne. This was another era, when the railroads were used to travel through the Saint-Etienne countryside. 
The public presentation will be organized as part of the European Heritage Days.

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par Estelle Girardin

1The event will take place in French

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