La Coursive

International Preparatory Course

Par Marina Baudry

Esadse offers support to international students in their preparation for entrance exams to French higher schools of art and design. This is a double training in French by the University Jean Monnet of Saint-Étienne, and arts with a predominance of design by the ESADSE for non-native French speakers.

Attention: the deadline for sending your application for 2022-2023 was advanced to May 15th 2022!

The training provided by the Esadse prepares candidates to understand art and design through project-base approach. Student is accompanied in the constitution of the portfolio for the entrance exams for the 1st ,the 2nd or the 4th year of French art schools; the course also allows student to acquire critical thinking and a necessary level of French, essential for passing the exams.


- 600 hours for non-French-speaking students;
- 350 hours of French language, 250 hours of artistic training;
- 25 weeks from September to April, two semesters;
- Allowing to obtain a University Diploma of Preparation for the Art School Competitions;
- With 100% success in the school entrance exams to the French or European Schools of Art or Universities.

Admission requirements

- Be of age in France (18 years old);
- Have a high school diploma;
- Proof of a level of proficiency in the French language (B1).

Application process

Applications must be sent by e-mail to AND
from March 22nd to May 9th.

Application File 

- Your artistic portfolio (PDF format of 10 pages as a maximum);
- Your diploma attesting of your B1 level in French language (DELF B1 ou TCF);
- Copies of your diplomas;
- Your resume;
- Copy of your passport.

Selection criteria

- Presentation of your creative approach;
- Technical skills;
- Your motivation and future project;
- Your educational background;
- Artistic qualities in your work;
- Variety of presented work (drawings, photographs, mock-ups, etc.).

Par Marina Baudry

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