Press kitsimé grenn, dach&zephir
Press kitLE DESIGN EN VOYAGE, Ceramic & Food Route
Press releaseLE DESIGN EN VOYAGE,Ceramic & Food Route
Press release13th Biennale InternationaleDesign Saint-Étienne« Ressource(s), présager demain », 22 May to 6 July 2025
Press releaseDesigner duo dach&zephir sow creole seeds in Saint-Étienne
Press kitReelsSaint-Étienne Higher School of Art and Design Graduates’ Exhibition 2023
Press kitGuillaume Bloget, Être làExhibition at the Cité du design from 15 February to 23 June 2024
Press kitArts & Crafts Aujourd’huiWorkshops, talks, exhibition, platform
Press releaseÉric Jourdan,
of the EPCC Cité du design-ESADSE
Press releasePrésent >< Futur: the Cité du design showcases Guillaume Bloget, a designer in search of the essence of objects
Press releaseWith its new articles of association, the EPCC Cité du design-ESADSE looks to the future
Press kitLaureline Galliot, vrai ou FAUVEInitiated by the Cité du design to put a spotlight on a new generation
of designers and allow every type of audience to appreciate their work,
the Présent >< Futur cycle opens with Laureline Galliot, a designer
who explores the forms of pictorial representation offered by digital
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