
An introduction to design research

Par Simone Fehlinger

© Simon Decottignies, Léana Mouches, Etudiants Esadse

Workshop cycle proposed by Olivier Peyricot and Simone Fehlinger for 3rd year art and design students (academic year 2018/2019).

Beyond the question of formatting and style, design manifests itself as a critical practice in order to understand and to question technological, social and environmental changes underway. Within the workshop, we will work from images as a field of investigation. We invite the participants to cultivate a critical look (both objective and subjective) in order to make visible the imperceptible connections between objects that compose our daily realities. STRATES is a methodology that scans an artificial environment. It is a filtering scope as much as an investigation tool intended to compose / decompose work specifications a posteriori as well as to link objects and systems.

Workshop cycle proposed by Olivier Peyricot and Simone Fehlinger for 3rd year art and design students (academic year 2018/2019). Created in line with the forthcoming book Strates by Olivier Peyricot (to be published at Cité du design éditions).

Par Simone Fehlinger

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