LE DESIGN EN VOYAGE, Ceramic & Food Route

About IDE


par Raphaël PigeatVersion française

International Design Expeditions (IDE) organises expeditions during which international designers collaborate with local enterprises to create innovative solutions linked to environmental and societal issues. IDE’s programmes also include events, courses and publications. By working in an open-minded spirit and in an experimental way, International Design Expeditions hopes to foster new forms of links between places, terroirs and people to help forge a more sustainable world that respects the living planet. Ceramic and Food Route is IDE's first programme.


The IDE Team

IDE was founded by Mathilde Bretillot and Catherine Ferbos-Nakov.

The IDE Team today :
• Mathilde Bretillot, president (biography)
• Miska Miller-lovegrove (biography)
• Pierre Balsan
• Pierangelo Caramia (biography)
• Marc Bretillot (biography below)

The IDE expeditions

• 14 international designers
• 11 IDE experts
• 12 local ceramics studios
• 8 international educational institutions involved in the workshops: Design department, Politecnico di Bari (Italy), École Camondo Méditerranée, Toulon, ESADSE Saint-Étienne, École Supérieure d’Art et Design de Limoges (France), School of Form, Warsaw (Poland), Sala Bai Hotel & Restaurant School, Paul Dubrule Hospitality & Tourism School and Bayon Pastry School, Siem Reap (Cambodia).

Marc Bretillot is a food designer and one of IDE's experts. He works with all the food trades to create new products. He is also an innovation consultant for the agri-food industry. He organises food-related events internationally and gives performances that border on contemporary art. Until 2015 he taught at the ESAD Reims art and design school, where he set up the first food design research workshop in Europe in 1999. He regularly teaches at Ferrandi School of French Gastronomy in Paris. He is the co-author, among other books, of  Culinaire design (Éditions Alternatives).

Marc Bretillot © C. Fillioux


A France Design Week Event

par Raphaël PigeatVersion française

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