Innovating through design


Par Soizic Briand

Strategy, product, service, brand identity, space design, public policy: the Cité du design helps you make changes through design using its tools for innovating through usage.


Do you need to improve your products, services or even your organization? Do you want to test ideas, discover some? Do you have collaborative projects? We provide you with the best design tools to initiate a transformation process through our workshops, conferences, forums and various editions of the Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne.

Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Étienne 2019, exhibition Détricoteuse – Martin plastiques innovation Company © P. Grasset


You have a project, you want to test a product, a service? You want to hire a designer in your organization? You want to test new materials? Our collaborative tools and programs are tailored to your needs.

Weiss Company teams testing their chocolate wafers 2020 during a lab in 2019.


We are providing you with training modules in the form of workshops for better appropriation of methodologies: innovation through use, design management. You will also gain from your immersion in the creative district of La Manufacture Plaine Achille.

Auditorium of the Cité du design © P.Grasset


Get ahead of the future: through its creativity, its ability to unite energies and formalize ideas, design brings out the concepts, products and services of tomorrow.

Workshop Construire le futur du gouvernement by the EU Policy Lab, 2019

Expand internationally

Our international networks, developed since 1998 thanks to the first Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne, our European and global cooperation projects allow us to promote the work of designers and local companies abroad.

The UNESCO network of Creative Cities of Design

Design in tech report 2019 - John Maeda (Le Fil) © J.Bescos A.Caunes

Promote your innovations

The International Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne, our exhibitions abroad and the showcase - real and virtual - of La Matériauthèque exhibit your know-how and your creations.

The Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne and international exhibitions

La Platine, Ideation ©Pierre Grasset

Par Soizic Briand

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