Year 1, 2, 3


Par Marina Baudry

Damien Bouty, DNSEP art, 2017. Photo © S.Binoux

Year 1: a generalist year

Generalist year, the year 1 intellectually and artistically prepares the students for the different pathways that they will be able to follow at the School. The teaching units enable students to:
- acquire the basics necessary to practise the plastics arts ;
- improve their work and research skills ;
- familiarise themselves with the methodological and conceptual tools that will enable them to reflect on modern and contemporary creative art and their own production ;
- evaluate the quality of their own motivation and aptitudes before embarking on a higher education course in art.

Evaluation and entry into year 2
The second semesters' work is judged at once by continuous assessment, by an appreciation given by the teaching staff and an end-of-year exam. At the end of the second semester, students present a personal file to the evaluation committee in the form of a formal display of the work they have produced. Students who have obtained the sixty credits required can enroll on the Art or Design options for Year 2. The option will chosen in consultation with the teaching staff.

Years 2 and 3: the core of the course

Years 2 and 3 form the core of the course and students prepare to take the DNA (national diploma in art) This phase consists of teaching that combines acquisition of basics related to the options and the development of experimentations that will lead students to question their own preferences and abilities. Students must complete a compulsory placement during the core phase. This is a "short" observation placement (2 weeks) and it must be completed between semester 3 and semester 5. The placement takes place in line with the principles laid down in the national charter of 26 April 2006.

Year 2
In semester 3, students begin to study the specific field of the option chosen, whilst continuing to take some generalist classes common to both options. In semester 4, it is possible for a student to ask to swap to the other option, or it may advised by teaching staff on the two options. If all the credits required are validated, the student will receive the CEAP (Certificate in plastic arts) awarded by the School and approved by the Ministry of Culture and Communication.

Year 3
In semester 5, priority is given to students' chosen pathways, allowing them to develop the project they will defend when they take the DNA.

The DNA (National Diploma in Art)

The DNA is a higher education diploma awarded after the three years of study that make up the first cycle.

The diploma is awarded after:
- examination of the candidate's educational dossier;
- a presentation by the student of the significant work done during the years of study;
- an oral exam with a panel.

Par Marina Baudry

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