Incoming students

International student may either enroll for the Esadse programmes, or come at our School for 1 or 2 semesters of academic exchange.


Par Marina Baudry

Exchange students

You study outside France and would like to come for an exchange at the Esadse?
Student exchanges take place in the framework of an Erasmus or a Bilateral cooperation agreement. To know if your School has an agreement with the Esadse, please check out the Partner Schools page.

Apply for an exchange at the Esadse

Students must be nominated by their home School before sending their application, please check the deadlines below.
Once nominated, they must send their application to the Esadse at Esadse accepts exchanges at Bachelor and Master level.

Your application file must contain the below documents:

- The Application Form (available below), filled in by the student and signed by the International Affairs of the home school;
- a portfolio (5-6 projects/5Mo maximum/ personal website link accepted);
- a resume;
- a cover letter;
- a scanned copy of the first page of their passport or ID card;
- a scanned ID photograph.

Application Deadlines 

Semester 1 (September-end of  January)
Nomination deadline: 10 May
Application deadline: 15 May
Recommended arrival date: around 1 September

Semester 2 (Beginning of February-June)
Nomination deadline: 10 November
Application deadline: 15 November
Recommended arrival date: around 20 January

Practical information 

French language requirements

As lectures are mostly given in French, a good knowledge of French is highly recommended. The French Language Knowledge Test (TCF) is also recommended. The school requires all students to produce evidence of their English ability. French courses are given throughout the year (2 hours /week) at Esadse.

ECTS SYSTEM -European Credit Transfer & Accumulation System

Foreign students are integrated in the normal curriculum and attend courses chosen with their school. They must obtain a number of ECTS credits defined by their home institution. ECTS was developed by the European Community Commission to set up common procedures to guarantee the academic recognition of studies. The ECTS system is a student-centered system based on the student workload required to achieve specified learning outcomes in a study programme. ECTS is based on the principle that 60 ECTS measure the workload of a full-time student during one academic year. The student workload of a full time study programme in Europe amounts to around 1.500-1.800 hours per year and in these cases one credit stands for around 25 to 30 working hours. 

Credits in ECTS can only be obtained after successful completion of the work required and appropriate assessment of the learning outcomes achieved. Student workload in ECTS consists of the time required to complete all learning activities such as attending lectures, seminars, independent and private study, preparation of projects, examination, etc. Credits are allocated to all educational components of a study programme andreflect the quality of work each component requires to achieve the learning outcomes in relation to the total quantity of work necessary to complete a full year of study successfully.

Evaluation for Exchange students

At the semester evaluation, exchange students present their work to teachers individually and collectively.
This display/exposition is coordinated by mentor. Responsible teachers of the classes that the students attended give an appreciation, the credits and the grade.

Before your arrival

Following your application, you will receive an acceptance or a rejection letter. If you are accepted, please make sure you complete all the necessary administrative procedures prior to your arrival.
Student Visa
Depending on your residency country, you may need to obtain entry clearance to France before leaving home. Students residing in the European Union usually only need to present a valid passport and identity card. Students from the rest of the world need to apply to their nearest French Embassy or Consulate for a visa.
- A touristic visa can't be changed into a student visa;
- French visa can't be modified once arrived;
- Non-European students coming for a long exchange period (over 3 months) must obtain a "student residence permit", different from the visa. You will have up to 2 month after your arrival in France to complete the procedure.

Documents you will need to get a visa
Please check the exact list on the The Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs web site.

Crous Grants for Foreigners 
Before your arrival in France, you can find out about housing aid for international students and student residences on the Crous website. To help you, Selectra provides guides in

Useful documents

With the support of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region


Marina Baudry 
International Mobility Officer
Tel. +33 6 99 23 49 65

Par Marina Baudry

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